Travel Health
Your Guide to Travel Health
At our GP website, we’re here to provide straightforward information and support for your travel health. Explore essential tips, resources, and expert insights to help you stay safe and healthy on your journeys.
- Review of travel plans and assessment of needs
- Advice and plan on maintaining general health
- Advice and prescription on malaria prevention
- Appropriate immunisations
- Travel vaccination Card provided
- Appointments
Please ring reception and request appointment for travel health advice or required immunisation if known
- Appointment will be given for practice nurse who will take history
- Patient will have consultation with doctor to finalise plan and needs
- Required immunisations will be given
- Follow up plan will be organised
Vaccinations constitute only one part of the plan to prevent disease when you are travelling. For general information and the overall package to consider when travelling overseas, please refer to the websites given under “websites” on the travel section of this site.
The following immunisations are available from the Belgrave Clinic
- Yellow Fever – Clinic licensed to offer this.
- Tetanus and Diphtheria
- Polio
- Typhoid
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Meningitis Type A
- Rabies
- Hepatitis A + Typhoid can be given as one injection Hepatitis A + Hepatitis B can be given as one injection
For detailed information on these diseases and vaccinations, please consult :
Ideally, it is best to present for your vaccinations and advice some 6 weeks before departure date to ensure that all vaccination courses can be completed before travel.
The Belgrave Clinic is registered with the National Cervical Screening Programme CervicalCheck. This National Cervical Screening programme provides free smear tests to eligible women between the ages of 25 – 60 yrs (women aged 25-44 yrs will be screened at three yearly intervals and women aged 45-60 will be recalled every five years for smear tests) .
You can have your first smear taken with this programme regardless of when you had your last smear taken. Participation in this programme CervicalCheck does not prevent you from having a smear test more frequently if you desire but there will be a charge.
Appointments can be made with the nurse by ringing reception. Your PPS number will be required. You must receive a letter of invitation from CervicalCheck before making a cervical smear appointment. This can be done by logging on to or by ringing 1800 454 555
If you plan to travel in Europe, understand that you are free to avail of public health care when travelling, if you have a European Health Insurance Card. Make sure you get one. Download it here.
We have chosen the following 7 websites, from the long list of travel health sites, as being the most helpful and easy from which to get useful information: is an excellent Scottish NHS site. Find your destination on an a-z list of countries.Good general information. is an excellent site on all aspects of malaria. Easy to access and understand information. has good general health advice when considering a long trip. Department of Foreign Affairs is Ireland’s best known travel health clinic site. Useful articles and travel advice. is has detailed information form the American Government on travel health issues.
Your Trusted Care Partner in South City Dublin
The Belgrave Clinic aims to provide a quality primary health care service to individuals, families and groups of people who live or work within the broad catchment area of the practice.