Women's Health
Step into our Women's Health corner
Our team is all about personalized care for every life stage – whether it’s check-ups or finding that hormonal harmony. Let’s put your well-being first and make those smart health choices together. Ready to get started? Book your appointment today!
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The normal physiological and psychological changes that take place in a woman’s life can present different challenges. The stages of life present threats from different diseases and conditions also. Minor illness affects all ages and should be managed promptly. Sexually transmitted diseases are a risk to younger women.
The complications of heart disease, hypertension and smoking, are a threat to middle aged and older women, as are cancer and chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis and bronchitis. Osteoporosis prevention and management, and social problems brought on by old age and death of a spouse, are features in the older population. Our general practice service deals with all of these issues and aims to help women take steps that lead to a healthier life.
The Clinic provides a full contraceptive service for the large number of young women living and working in the area. Appointments can be made for routine doctors’ surgeries. The combined contraceptive pill is still the most popular choice. Advice on the full range of other options is available. Emergency contraception, formerly called “the morning after pill”, is prescribed.
The Mirena Coil and Implanon implant can be fitted in the clinic by making a specific appointment.
- Initial Consultation -€55
- Mirena fitting – €170
- Check up within 3 months -FREE
- Removal of Mirena coil -€55
- Initail consultation – €55
- Implanon fitting €120
- Removal €140
- Removal and refit ( same day) €140
There is a purchase cost for Mirena and Implanon of approximately €120 from pharmacies
Smear tests, for the detection of changes that indicate a woman may be at risk of cancer of the cervix (neck of womb), are available daily. The practice nurse generally carries these out.
The Belgrave Clinic is registered with the National Cervical Screening Programme CervicalCheck. This National Cervical Screening programme provides free smear tests to eligible women between the ages of 25 – 60 yrs (women aged 25-44 yrs will be screened at three yearly intervals and women aged 45-60 will be recalled every five years for smear tests) .
You can have your first smear taken with this programme regardless of when you had your last smear taken. Participation in this programme CervicalCheck does not prevent you from having a smear test more frequently if you desire but there will be a charge.
Appointments can be made with the nurse by ringing reception. Your PPS number will be required. You must receive a letter of invitation from CervicalCheck before making a cervical smear appointment. This can be done by logging on to www.cervicalcheck.ie or by ringing 1800 454 555
We provide HPV vaccination (Gardasil). If you are interested, please make an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss vaccination further.
The charge to receive this vaccination has is as follows:
Initial doctor’s visit: €55, Vaccines: €120 each – three vaccines
nurses’s visits: €20 each – three visits
Cancer of the breast is a major cause of concern to all women and any woman who develops a breast lump in particular. A woman finding a breast lump will be seen on that day at the doctor’s surgery. Advice will be given on the nature of the lump and an appropriate management option will be taken with the patient to alleviate her concerns.
This may include referral to any one of the three excellent rapid access breast clinics at local hospitals or to one of the specialists in this field working privately. The practice nurse advises on routine breast examinations. Routine mammograms can be organised at local clinics. The “Breast Check” programme for women between 50 and 65 years of age inform us of our patients screening results.
Pregnancy tests are carried out on request. We invite every patient who is pregnant to receive care, advice and management at the Clinic under the Combined Ante-natal Care Programme.
This is a free service to the patient for 7 visits before and 2 visits after birth of her baby on registering with the Scheme. It is available to all pregnant women and is not means related. It is carried out in association with the hospital or private consultant of choice of the patient.
The patient is free to attend the service of convenience or choice at any time during the pregnancy with no restriction having registered on the Combined Care Scheme, Coombe, Rotunda, and Holles Street Hospitals. We recommend the innovative Domino service provided by Holles Street for those living in the South Dublin catchment area.
Pregnancy Due Date Calendar – Click here
Domino and Home Birth Programmes at Holles St – Click here
Domino and early transfer home service from the Coombe hospital – Click here
Patients who are distressed at the news of having an unplanned pregnancy will be received with respect and will be supported throughout their pregnancy and after. There are a large number of groups and counsellors close to us in Ranelagh/Rathmines that we can call on to further support patients with a crisis pregnancy; Positive Options. In particular, we will guide and care for any woman who has to deal with her antenatal care and birth with a little personal support.
Under the “Regulation of Information Act 1995” and in association with ICGP guidelines, we will refer any woman who has opted for abortion after non directive counselling, to an agency who has experience in dealing with this. We will invite them to return to us for follow up upon return to Ireland.
Doctors at the Clinic will help women who have difficulty in conceiving to find the appropriate advice and investigations with regard to their infertility problem. We can organise routine blood tests. We will work in support of the various treatment programmes in Dublin and nationally by administering treatment and giving advice.
This is a common condition in women leading to reduced menstruation, very often associated with a bad acne condition or excessive body hair. It can lead to infertility problems later in life. It is a concern to young women and its diagnosis and management is an important feature of our health service to this group of women.
The menopause can be associated with distressing physical and psychological symptoms. Blood tests can tell us the stage a woman is at in relation to the menopause and there are a number of treatment options available that we can prescribe. We can also refer to appropriate gynaecologists and other investigation centres.
The following are the principal Sexually Tramsmitted Infections (STI’s) diseases which may be contracted in Ireland:
- Chlamydia
- Genital Warts
- Gonnorhoea
- Genital herpes
- Trichomoniasis
- Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Syphilis
What are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)?
They are infections caused by viruses or bacteria which can be passed from one partner to another during sexual contact. They can cause serious and long term damage if not treated appropriately.
What Are The Symptoms?
There are often no physical or visible symptoms, however if you are sexually active and develop any of the following conditions you should contact us immediately.
- Sores in the genital area
- Irritation or itching in the genital area
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Pain while going to the toilet
- Unusual discharges from your vagina
Who Can Get an STI?
Anybody can be infected with an STI from one sexual contact with an infected person. STI’s are very common but can often lie dormant for considerable periods of time. It is often quite possible that your sexual partner may have an STI but be unaware of the fact and so would be unaware that they had passed an STI on to you. The most effective way to prevent the transfer of an STI during sexual contact is to use a condom properly.
Sexually transmitted diseases are an increasing feature of everyday general practice. We offer comprehensive sexual health screening service including full STI testing, and treatment where required.
The service consists of an appointment with the doctor for full review of sexual health, advice and clinical examination followed by blood tests / samples as appropriate, taken by practice nurse. Results are discussed at a follow up visit within 2 weeks.
Where necessary, treatment such as cryotherapy for warts is undertaken as part of the service and referral to specialist service will be advised and arranged if needed. The service is completely confidential and can be arranged by contacting reception at short notice where necessary.
The doctors at the Clinic are aware of the significant and very often hidden problem of domestic violence. Women who have been abused in such a fashion can expect to be received in an understanding environment where they will be supported in efforts to resolve their problems. Appropriate agencies that have expertise in this area will be contacted if required. Womens Aid.
Your Trusted Care Partner in South City Dublin
The Belgrave Clinic aims to provide a quality primary health care service to individuals, families and groups of people who live or work within the broad catchment area of the practice.